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Resin Tumblers


Which resin should I choose for tumblers?

When diving into the world of resin crafting, choosing the right type of resin can make all the difference. If you're deciding between Quantum’s regular set or fast set resin, this guide will help you understand which one suits your needs best; and why we recommend the Quantum regular set for beginners.

The best epoxy resin for tumblers with perfect shine and clarity.

The best epoxy resin for tumblers with perfect shine and clarity. Apex Resin Quantum achieves high-quality results with minimal hassle. With its excellent UV protection on vulnerable inks, no odour, self-levelling properties, high viscosity and fast cure times. It is no surprise it is the first choice for tumblers.

Preventing "Fish Eyeing" in Epoxy Resin Tumbling and Resin Art: What It Is and How to Avoid It?

It is important to remember, fish eyeing happens with all Epoxy – it can happen across the board with all types of resin - here's how to prevent it, So you can achieve a perfectly smooth, glass-like finish on your resin tumblers and resin art projects!
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